22 - Tonight we'll attempt to finish the three assignments
on PPT132-135 (Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle, Enhanced Fats
& Home Safety). Your Final Exam will be Wednesday night!
17 - Tonight in class we'll do four exercises connected
to PowerPoint Chapter 1: Lab 1-1 Credit (pp.PPT69-71), Lab
1-2 Hybrids (pp.PPT71-73), Lab 1-3 Part One Spring Seminars
(pp.PPT74-75), and Lab 1-3 Part Two Fall Seminars (pp.PPT75-77).
For Monday night, read PowerPoint Chapter 2.
15 - Complete the three assignments listed on the Readings
page. You may need to go to the Shelly
Cashman link to download the files for this Chapter.
10 - In addition to reviewing the Groom n Fluff and Keep
It Green assignments, we'll begin a lengthy assignment using
the JMS TechWizards database we created last week. Please
note that completion of this assignment requires you to print
queries 1-10 and one crosstab (pp.AC131-132). For Monday,
read PowerPoint Chapter 1.
8 - Tonight we'll begin Access Chapter 2 by doing additional
work on the JSP Recruiters database. Our objective is to complete
all the changes on pp.AC74-127. Your assignments for Wednesday
are to complete the exercises on pp.AC128-29 (The Bike Delivers
- 4 printouts), AC129-130 (Groom n Fluff - 4 printouts - skip
instruction #1) and AC 130-131 (Keep It Green - 2 printouts).
3 - For Monday please read Access Chapter 2 (pp.74-127).
Complete the JMS TechWizards database exercise on pp.AC67-68.
Also produce 3 reports of your choice from the data in Case
1-1 Second-Hand Goods exercise on pp.AC71.
1 - For Wednesday night please complete the assignments
on pp.AC64-67, The Bike Delivers, Camden Scott College &
SciFi Scene.
27 - For Monday please read Access Chapter 1 (pp.AC1-64).
25 - Tonight we will complete the Excel Chapter 2 "Silver
Dollars Stock Club" exercise (pp.EX82-143). Your homework
is to complete the three exercises on Excel pp.145-149; use
the files on your flash drives or retrieve them from the Readings
page. Your midterm exam will be Wednesday night from 5:30-7:30
20 - Tonight we will do the following in-class exercises:
Kona's Expresso Coffee (EX74-75)...Scissors Office Supply
(EX75-77)...College Cost & Financial Support Worksheet
(EX77-79). For Monday, Read Excel Chapter 2 (EX82-159). Don't
forget - your midterm exam is a week from tonight!
18 - Complete the following assignments: Spoke-Up Bicycle
Shop (EX70-71)...Pack-n-Away Shipping (WD72-3)...Book Sales
(WD73-74). We will continue working with Excel files on Wednesday.
13 - For Monday complete these Word exercises: Make It
Right 2-1 Certification Paper Draft (WD136-37), Computer Forensics
Specialist (WD138-39), Antivirus Programs (WD140-41) and Composing
A Research Paper from Notes (WD142). Also, please read Excel
Chapter 1 (EX1-69).
11 -
Please read Word Chapter 2 (WD73-132) for Wednesday. Your
written homework is to finish these projects from Chapter
1: Autumn Fest Flyer (WD63-64), Baseball Sign Ups Flyer (WD65),
Scenic Air (WD67-68), and Rent A Cabin (WD70-71). Finish the
Chapter 2 project (Wireless Communications), then do the exercises
on WD133-35 (Apply 2-1 Software Paragraphs Draft) and WD135-36
(Extend 2-1 Computing Options Paper Draft). Find the materials
necessary for these exercises on the Readings
6 -
For Monday read Microsoft Word Chapter 1 (WD1-71).