17 - Your Final Exam will be sent to you by e-mail before
the end of the week; it is due at the beginning of next Wednesday's
class. Also, your final five-page website is due with completed
graphics, text content, alt tags and meta tags.
10 - Read Chapters 15 & 16 and keep working on your
web project - use your checklist!
3 - Next week we'll cover Chapters 13 & 14. Your written
assignment is to find a website that hasn't been designed
responsively, that is, using a fluid grid layout. The way
to be sure is to look at a site and compare it on a smartphone,
laptop (or tablet) and desktop. Write down the URL and a couple
of paragraphs about the resulting problems; we'll display
what you find on the overhead projector.
27 - Complete your Midterm Exam and bring it with you
to the next class; read Chapters 11-12..
20 - For next week:
- use
Photoshop to create navigational buttons for your site
- create
a simple image map
- take
this 20-question CSS
quiz; print out the results and bring them to class
- read
Chapters 8-10
13 - Read Chapters 6 & 7. Your written assignment
is to identify the client for your website. Propose a navigation
scheme (identify the page names, where the navigation will
appear on screen, and how it will look). Create a rough wireframe
of each of the pages.
6 - Read through Chapter 5 of your textbook. Next week
you will be asked to identify the client for the web site
you will create.
Your Class
Project is due on June 24. Here is the Class