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Instructor: Ed Brouder e-mail | 603-668-0652

The following appeared on the MSN news page on September 19, 2014 (it was removed within days):


hoax 1

A Chinese man divorced his wife and sued her for giving birth to what he called an extremely ugly baby girl.

At first, he thought his wife had cheated on him because there was no way a good-looking guy like him could produce an unattractive baby.

After his ex-wife proved that the baby was his through a DNA test, she let him in on a little secret.

She opened up and told him that before they met, she had undergone about $100,000 worth of cosmetic surgery in South Korea.

hoax 2

The Huffington Post reported that he sued her for not telling him about the plastic surgeries and making him think she was actually beautiful.

Ready for the good part?

He won the case! Yes he did. Sued his wife for $120,000.

"I married my wife out of love, but as soon as we had our first daughter, we began having marital issues," he told the Irish Times. "Our daughter was incredibly ugly, to the point where it horrified me."



A variation of this story appeared on Huffington Post UK - Oct. 29, 2012; it was based on an item that appeared on Fox 31 TV News in Denver the previous week.

Type the title of this article into Google and you'll get 72,900 hits.

This story is an urban legend that has been circulating on the Internet since 2004. The family picture is part of an advertisement for a plastic surgeon in Taiwan. The moral is...DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ!!