Home Class List Syllabus Readings Resources

Instructor: Ed Brouder | 603-668-0652

August 19 - Crooner in Rights Spat | What New York State Would Look Like if It Endured the Syrian Conflict

August 12 - lecture notes (Ch. 13) | CareerBuilder.com: Mass Media Jobs
August 12 - dangers of social media: How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco's Life
August 12 - Trademarks That No One Treats as Such | INTA's Guide to Proper Trademark Use
August 12 - Brand Extension: Why Trademarks Should Be Honored
August 12 - Advertisers Beware: Superbowl is a Protected Trademark

August 5 - sample USPs | lecture notes (Ch. 11) | lecture notes (Ch. 12)

July 27 - lecture notes (Ch. 9) | PowerPoint: Writing and Images | Chicago Tribune graphics
July 27 - examples of Megan Jaegerman's graphics work for The New York Times

July 27 - lecture notes (Ch. 10) | 10 Examples of Killer Unique Selling Propositions on the Web
July 27 - video: 2013 National Addy Awards Best of Show | Kraft's $2 Billion Cookie Turns 100
July 27 - Oreo's 'Daily Twist' Campaign Puts Cookie in Conversation

July 22 - lecture notes (Ch. 7) | Pew Research Center: Social Media Update 2014

July 22 - lecture notes (Ch. 8) | example of a radio actuality
July 22 - Media College shot types & video formats | video: Choosing a Camera

July 15 - lecture notes (Ch. 5) | speech excerpts: Barack Obama | Manchester Police press release

July 15 - lecture notes (Ch. 6) | sample obituaries

July 8 - lecture notes (Ch. 3) | AP Style Game | link to AP Stylebook purchase site
July 8 - Writing from the Top Down: Pros and Cons of the Inverted Pyramid

July 8 - lecture notes (Ch. 4) | Snooping and the News Media: It's a 2-Way Street
July 8 - Erik Qualman video: Social Media Revolution 2015 #Socialnomics

July 1 - lecture notes (Ch. 1) | DGME211 Basics | Humorous Reminders of Common Writing Mistakes
July 1 - Cliches: Avoid Them Like the Plague | How People Talk | The Verb

July 1 - lecture notes (Ch. 2) | Letter Perfect: Why English Is So Hard | Rules for Using Commas
July 1 - It's Time: That Old Apostrophe Again