Instructor: Ed Brouder | 603-668-0652

August 18 - lecture notes (Ch. 25) (Ch. 26)
August 18 - Campfire, Infiniti Release Interactive 'Deja View' Spot |
August 18 - Think with Google: Infiniti campaign | The Case Study for Deja View | Infiniti Deja View campaign

August 13 - lecture notes (Ch. 23) | Dust: A Tale of the Wired West video intro | video excerpt (the dog part)
August 13 - Dust walkthrough | game review | 15 Clever Examples of Interactive Print Ads
August 13 - Best Interactive of the Week | Honda Presents The Other Side

August 11 - NASA interactive websites: Experience Curiosity and Mars Trek | lecture notes (Ch. 24)
August 11 - New England Economic Adventure screenshots | Francis Cabot Lowell video excerpt
August 11 - CDC's FluView Interactive | CDC's Flu IQ Widget

August 6 - lecture notes (Ch. 22) | case study: The Hunger Games Campaign
August 6 - YouTube Pandora Directive video excerpt | Pandora Ultimate Evil ending | review

August 4 - lecture notes (Ch. 20) | Her Interactive website | Nancy Drew history website | YouTube video
August 4 - Nancy Drew game structure | Nancy Drew flowchart excerpt

August 4 - lecture notes (Ch. 21) | Amped 3 screenshots | Amped 3 review | YouTube video

July 30 - lecture notes (Ch. 18) | YouTube Voyeur excerpt | class Voyeur website
July 30 - Designing Interactive Museum Exhibits: Three Ways to Increase Audience Engagement
July 30 - Five Lessons In UI Design, From A Breakthrough Museum

July 30 - lecture notes (Ch. 19) | exhibits by Ideum in New Mexico |

July 28 - lecture notes (Ch. 16) | case studies: SkyHigh & Boy Scout Patrol Theater (multiplayer narrative)
July 28 - The 11th Hour: Sequel to the 7th Guest (puzzle based video game)

July 28 - lecture notes (Ch. 17) | Partnering to Heal Demo (linear narrative) | Skyrim trailer (non linear narrative)

July 23 - lecture notes (Ch. 14) | Nauticus project screenshots and website | Typhoon Haiyan: Before & After
July 23 - Extreme Mount Washington | San Francisco's Exploratorium | Boston's Museum of Science
July 23 - downtown Norfolk interactive map
July 23 - lecture notes (Ch. 15) | Vital Signs screenshots | Adobe E-Learning Solutions

July 21 - lecture notes (Ch. 12) | Encyclopedia Britannica
July 21 - lecture notes (Ch. 13) | Ch. 13 Math storyboard/script | Texas Instruments Education Technology
July 21 - Houghton Mifflin's Interactive Math and Statistics Lessons screenshots

July 16 - lecture notes (Ch. 10) Verani Real Estate | (Ch. 11) T. Rowe Price | Heatmaps & Scrollmaps
July 16 - Flat vs. Deep Website Hierarchies | Google Zeitgeist 2014 | AOL/UK Search Trends
July 16 - Google's Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide | Journalism Ethics quiz
July 16 - Writing Content for Users vs. Search Engines: Is There Still a Difference?

July 14 - lecture notes (Ch. 8) (Ch. 9) | AP Stylebook game | Harlem Renaissance informational website
July 14 - video: Dax's Story: A Severely Burned Man's 30-Year Odyssey
July 14 - Educational Multimedia case study: Sky High (Ch. 15 2nd edition)

July 9 - Ch. 6 Quiz review | lecture notes (Ch. 7) | Punctuation PowerPoint | Persuasion Theory
July 9 - Advertising Theories of Cosmetics | How Astronauts are Affected by Space Exploration
July 9 - Extreme Planet Makeover | U.S. Army Blazing Skies interactive app | D2 TEAM-Sim work samples

July 7 - lecture notes (Ch. 3) (Ch. 4) (Ch. 5) | Cambridge Rindge and Latin School outline maker
July 7 - What to Expect After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis interactive flowchart | Verani Real Estate case study
July 7 - Marathon Bombing interactive timelines: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4

July 2 - lecture notes (Ch. 2) | rewrite exercise: Nashua Police press release | AWWWARDS website
July 2 - Usability.Gov - Improving the User Experience | The Attractive Face Planner
July 2 - San Francisco Earthquake interactive quiz | Ex Machina: Ava v5.9

June 30 - lecture notes: (Introduction) & (Ch. 1) | video: Nowhere Anyhow - a Digital Story by Darcy Alexandra
June 30 - video: Le Grand Content - how not to do PowerPoints | Interactive Tour of the White House
June 30 - Interactive spoof of Palin as President | Interactive Sites for Education (check out Holidays > Halloween)